A whole story...

Imbued with a passion passed down from generation to generation and anchored in the authenticity of a 10-hectare olive estate in Eastern Corsica, our story is that of a deep love for original flavors and superior quality products. With around 3,500 trees in our young single-varietal orchard, we invite you to discover the excellence of our olive oil and our vinegars, produced with dedication and innovation.

It all started with a burning passion and an inspiring family story. Françoise Ottavi, with her deep attachment to the Corsican land and its treasures, has transformed this olive estate into a sanctuary of unique flavors. In 2020, it decided to extend its range of products by introducing an original selection of vinegars and small aperitif jars candied with olive oil, highlighting the originality of the taste and the singularity of the packaging.

A Quest for Excellence and Originality

Our olive oils are the result of meticulous work and particular attention to every detail, from the cultivation of the olive trees to the pressing of the fruits. This same philosophy extends to our range of original vinegars and aperitif delights, where innovation blends harmoniously with tradition. Each product is an invitation to explore unique flavors and rediscover the pleasure of authentic foods.

A commitment to quality rewarded

The Collège Culinaire de France represents much more than a professional association; he is the guardian of the French culinary heritage and a fervent defender of quality, creativity and innovation in the gastronomic world. Founded by renowned chefs and professionals, this college is committed to promoting French culinary culture, supporting quality artisan producers and promoting authentic culinary crafts across the country and beyond.

Our admission to this institution illustrates not only the high quality of our olive oils and vinegars but also our alignment with the values ​​of preserving authenticity, promoting biodiversity, and supporting responsible and sustainable agriculture. . It is an affirmation that our products are not only tasty, but that they also embody the principles of excellence, respect for the environment and passion for the terroir which are dear to the Collège Culinaire de France.

This distinction is a source of great pride for us and demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the highest standards in the production of our Corsican delicacies. It reaffirms our desire to continue to innovate while respecting the ancestral traditions and know-how that make Corsican gastronomy so rich. For our customers, it is the assurance of products of unrivaled quality, developed with know-how recognized and appreciated by the greatest professionals of French gastronomy.